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Wheat photo courtest of Keith/Ewing on flickr
Sunday, 24 May 2020

Researchers have a new understanding of the genetic makeup of a fungus that causes the disease Wheat Stripe Rust, one of the most destructive wheat diseases globally costing $1 billion annually.

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Tuesday, 03 Dec 2019

Research that could transform global rice production by increasing yields from the world’s number one food crop has been boosted by five more years of funding.

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Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019

Esteemed senior ANU biologist and mentor, Professor Barry Pogson, has been awarded the highest accolade for staff, the 2019 Peter Baume Award.

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Saturday, 09 Nov 2019

Some clever detective work by an international team of scientists has uncovered how a deadly fungus - a stem rust called Ug99 - came about through some unusual breeding habits. The discovery will help protect wheat crops around the world from devastating fungal diseases.

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Dr Arun Yadav, from the ANU Research School of Biology
Wednesday, 16 Oct 2019

Australian research could help breeders develop more drought-resilient crops that can produce more food and more profit with less water.

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Professor Peter Solomon. Image Stuart Hay, ANU
Thursday, 19 Sep 2019

Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have shown how Australian wheat crops would cope if a destructive disease that’s yet to hit our shores ever made it into the country.

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29 Nov 2023 | 11:30am

The development of iron enriched “biofortified” crops is a sustainable way of increasing iron intakes at no additional cost to growers and food manufacturers.

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24 Nov 2023 | 3:30pm

In this talk, I will provide a unified review of approaches and explain their close interrelationships, emphasizing that all approaches rely on the standard error of the quantity of interest, most often a pairwise difference of two means.

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16 Nov 2023 | 12pm

Timor-Leste is a beautiful island nation in the north west of Australia and is an important neighbour. This talk will introduce Timor-Leste from various perspectives. It will highlight the importance of biosecurity to Timor-Leste’s economy and why this matters to Australia.

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14 Nov 2023 | 4pm

Synthetic chemistry and synthetic biology offer complementary tools for manipulating the 3D architecture and function of biomolecules. I will outline two different projects that exemplify our hybrid chemical biology approach, highlighting divergent applications in catalysis and cancer therapy.

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14 Nov 2023 | 12am

Organised by the Division of Plant Sciences.
Program starts at 9:00am and concludes with drinks at 6:00pm.

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3 Nov 2023 | 3:30pm

Genomes have a highly organised architecture (non-random organisation of functional and non-functional genetic elements within chromosomes) that is essential for many biological functions, particularly, gene expression and reproduction.

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