
Project Research theme Group
A synthetic biology approach to detect pathogen molecules in crops
A synthetic biology approach to supercharging plant CO2 fixation
Abiotic stress signalling, developmental programming and plant adaptation
Agrochemical control of stress signalling pathways for enhanced stress tolerance
ATLS - the Australian Thermal Load Sensitivity Project. What determines plant sensitivity to heat?
Bioinformatics and gene discovery in wheat rust pathogens
C4 Rice Project
Can seedling screens of energy use efficiency in wheat transfer to yield in the field?
Carotenoid derivatives as chloroplast signals
Cell specific activation of plant hormones
Characterising the Zymospetoria tritici - wheat interaction
Characterizing the mRNA-protein “interactome” of plants
Climate change and carbon gain in Antarctic mosses
Climate Change Impacts on Plants in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
CO2 acquisition by cyanobacteria and plants, & Synthetic Biology strategies for transplanting cyanobacterial CO2 Concentrating mechanism parts in crop plants
CO2 diffusion inside leaves
Control of meristem differentiation and plant architecture in legumes
Coordination of chloroplast signals with cellular secondary messengers during abiotic and biotic stresses
Coping with temperature extremes: morphological constraints on leaf function in a warmer, drier climate
Decrypting chloroplast signalling networks in C4 photosynthesis at cell type-resolution
Delivery of virulence proteins by fungal rust pathogens
Detection of fungal pathogens and their associated microbiome
Developing molecular tools for functional analysis of microRNA-mediated gene silencing
Developing new genetic systems for hybrid breeding in wheat
Dissecting the defence responses activated by tomato receptors able to detect Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection
Drivers of phenotypic evolution in a vulnerable alpine ecosystem
Ecophysiology of salinity and temperature tolerance in a changing world
Effector delivery by fungal rust pathogens
Electron transport and ATP synthesis in chloroplasts
Elucidating the role of plasmodesmata in wheat stripe rust fungal infection
Energy use and the plant canopy - measuring local respiration trends.
Engineering aquaporins
Engineering microRNA pathways for broad-spectrum plant disease resistance.
Enhancing carotenoid levels in cereals by esterification
Environmental effects on photosynthesis of species with the C3-C4 intermediate photosynthetic pathway
Examining Rubisco - Rubisco activase interactions.
Exploring Australia’s diversity for pathogens of weeds
Exploring the combined response of heat and drought on photosynthesis and respiration of C4 plants
Exploring the evolutionary protein landscape of Rubisco
Expression of modified tobacco and foreign Rubiscos in tobacco chloroplasts
Factors impacting gene silencing efficacy in plants
Flavonoid functions in nitrogen-fixing symbioses
Functional characterisation of the flax rust fungus AvrP and AvrL2 effector proteins
Fungal genomics, evolution, and host adaptation
Genome wide association mapping
Genomics of wild Australian brewing yeasts
Honours projects are now available to study a wide range of topics in biosecurity and pathogenesis
How do effector proteins from necrotrophic fungi cause disease in wheat
How mTERF proteins contribute to fertility restoration in plants?
Identification and functional characterisation of flax rust effectors
Identification and functional characterisation of the Fusarium oxysporum Avr7 effector gene.
Identification of signal transduction and accessory protein requirements for resistance responses mediated by the tomato I gene for Fusarium wilt resistance.
Improving biological nitrogen fixation in legumes
Improving C4 photosynthesis by genetic manipulation
Improving drought tolerance in wheat by selectively inhibiting negative regulators of drought stress signalling
Investigating the genetic architecture of thermal acclimation of leaf energy metabolism using GWAS
Investigating transcriptional and postranslational regulation of aquaporins
Laboratory overview
Landscape genomics
Linking intracellular communication to whole-plant stress responses
Mapping the genetic mechanism of plasmodesmata formation and regulation to improve crops
MicroRNA target recognition; the role of the target RNA secondary structure.
Novel metabolite discovery and characterisation
Optimising energy use efficiency to increase wheat yield
Overcoming limitations in engineering the Rubisco small subunits in higher plant chloroplasts.
PhD projects are now available to study a wide range of topics in biosecurity and pathogenesis
Physiological and molecular regulation of stomatal movement
Protein function in plant immunity
Reducing uncertainty in the prediction of leaf respiration in a changing world
Regulation of chloroplast function via alternative splicing in the nucleus
Salinity tolerance along an aridity gradient: linking physiological processes with morphological constraints on leaf function in mangroves
Student opportunities in molecular analysis of CO2 acquisition by cyanobacteria
Student research projects in CO2 fixation and water loss of leaves
Studies on the biochemical regulation of C3 and C4 photosynthesis
Studying pathogen proteins that cause disease
Synthetic biology to engineer novel disease resistance in cereal crops
The directed evolution of RuBisCO
The molecular basis for plant susceptibility and immunity to Fusarium wilt disease
The role of N-terminal post-translational modifications of the tobacco Rubisco large subunit
The role of RNA binding proteins in post-transcriptional gene regulation and plant biology.
Tree water use, bushfires, and the implications for urban and rural water supplies
Understanding the molecular basis of fungal rust diseases in plants
Understanding the role of peptide hormones in determining root architecture
Unlocking yield gains with a new pathway targeting plant nitrogen usage
Unravelling novel Rubisco structures in algae
Use of a tobacco Pathogenesis-related Protein-5 (PR-5) promoter: β glucuronidase (GUS) reporter system to study plant defence activation in response to phytohormones, abiotic stresses and biotic inducers.
What are novel mechanisms for regulating transcription, RNA turnover and protein translation
Wheat immunity and applied synthetic biology

Updated:  18 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services