

What’s that in my nest?

How the evolutionary arms race between cuckoos and hosts creates new species...

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Clever cockies: the social and innovative birds living in our cities

Working on the Clever Cockie Project, Dr Penndorf is tracking all the odd but fascinating behaviours that Sydney and Canberra cockatoos get up to...

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Linnaeus Building 134

Research groups within the school come under one of three Divisions.

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Wheat Fields

Find out more about our research groups below.

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AMRF Geehi snow

RSB academics support and participate in external Centres and Units.

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Learn more about the facilities and services at the Research School of Biology.

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PhD student Jesse Wallace searches for Bogong Moths near Dead Horse Gap in Kosciuszko National Park.

Our research projects explore diverse biological phenomena, ranging from molecular biology to ecosystems. Engage in cutting-edge research with a focus on innovation and real-world impact.

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Leeches with Alex Maier

Find out more about our staff and their research.

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Slide under a microscope

Our research activities are grouped under themes which encompass the research strengths of the School.

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Bee Capture

Our research impact contributes to the economy, society, environment and culture in five major clusters, see below. Our recognised research excellence, diversity of research areas and focus on basic and discovery science underpins our longer-term research impacts.

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Kate O'Hara

We offer the opportunity to work with a world class University that undertakes cutting edge research and has a strong tradition in research-led teaching excellence.

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