
Service teams supporting the Research School of Biology.

Administration Services Team »

RSB Administration is responsible for the provision of administrative services, both at the Division and School level.

Biology Teaching and Learning Centre »

The Biology Teaching and Learning Centre (BTLC) coordinates all biology teaching across the campus.

Building and Infrastructure Services Team »

The RSB Building and Infrastructure Services Team provides support, management and organisation of all activities related to building and building infrastructure issues in RSB.

Compliance Services Team »

The RSB Compliance Services Team provides support, management and organisation activities for all compliance issues in the School.

IT Services Team »

Located in Bldg 46, Level 1, Rm E104, the RSB IT services team supports the IT needs of the School.

Joint Field Services Team »

RSB undertakes fieldwork as part of its research and teaching activities in a wide range of locations and ecosystems.

Plant Services Team »

The Plant Services team supports the School’s plant research by providing horticultural advice and assistance on all aspects of plant care and cultivation.

Purchasing and Store Services Team »

The RSB Purchasing & Store team handles purchasing – goods and services purchased as required from external suppliers; and the store – stock held on site.

WHS Services Team »

The RSB WHS Services Team provides support, management and organisation activities for all WHS issues in the School.

Updated:  9 November 2019/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services