Administration Services Team

RSB Administration is responsible for the provision of administrative services, both at the Division and School level.

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School Administration undertakes a diverse range of tasks, both strategic and operational, and has responsibility for implementing and monitoring effective administration practices within the School. The School Administration also provides support to the School Director and Executive, and works with other administrators in the School as a team with a focus on providing excellent service to School members.  Contact Michelle Selman, Administration Manager or Vienna Harkness, Executive Administration Officer or 6125 5070.

Divisional Administrators are responsible for the provision of day-to-day local level support of their Division and RSB Service Teams.  They provide administrative support to the Head of Division with their varied tasks and roles, all members within their Division, and support Divisional and School level Committees and User Groups.
Ecology and Evolution, Audra Johnstone, 6125 2866,
Plant Sciences, Gagan Bhardwaj, 6125 9395 or Trina Merrell, 6125 1703,
Biomedical Science and Biochemistry, Angela Chan, 6125 2655,

Biology, Teaching and Learning Centre administrators are responsible for the provision of day-to-day support for all biology teaching across the campus, providing administrative support to the Head BTLC and other BTLC teaching staff, and administrative services to staff and students related to undergraduate, postgraduate and research progrmmes and courses.  Contact BTLC administration team or 6125 1070.

College of Science administration teams provide support to members of Schools in the College of Science across key administration function areas to strengthen strategic planning, align administrative support with these plans and ensure consistency of policy and procedures.


School Manager

Executive Administration Officer

Administration Manager

Divisional Administrator

Research Development Strategist