
The Research School of Biology is devoted to the study of biological processes in plants, animals and humans. It is home to over 60 academics and their research groups, which for purposes of research support and administration are subdivided into the three Divisions below.

Research Strengths and Directions

Division of Biomedical Science and Biochemistry »

Research in the Division of Biomedical Science and Biochemistry (BSB) covers a wide range of disciplines, much of which fits within two broad themes: Host/Pathogen Biology and the Biology of Membrane Proteins.

Division of Ecology and Evolution »

The Division of Ecology and Evolution (E&E) is a global leader in areas of biodiversity sciences including evolutionary, behavioural, physiological and molecular ecology; animal behaviour and life history evolution; phylogenetics, macroevolution, biology; population genetics, quantitative genetics and genomics.

Division of Plant Sciences »

Research within the Division of Plant Sciences (PS) integrate a wide range of approaches, from genomic and molecular technologies to studies of plant biochemistry, physiology, ecology and evolution.

Updated:  20 July 2021/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services