
The ANU Research School of Biology (RSB) carries out research in a wide range of biological and biomedical sciences. It also oversees the University's Biology curriculum, with a diverse offering of courses across both undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The ANU Research School of Biology carries out research, research training (MPhil and PhD)undergraduate and coursework Masters teaching in a wide range of biological and biomedical sciences. Research in the School is carried out in three Divisions:

The School oversees the ANU Biology curriculum, offering a diverse range of courses that form part of both undergraduate, Honours and graduate coursework Masters degrees. The education program is 'research-led' and features teaching contributions from leading scientists from a wide range of biological and biomedical disciplines. Students have opportunities to work in research labs in the School, both as part of their degrees and as Summer Scholars

Research groups within the School are housed in the Linnaeus and RN Robertson Buildings, which provide state-of-the-art laboratories. Much of the School's teaching activities are carried out in the Sciences Teaching Building, which is immediately adjacent to the Linnaeus Building and which provides modern teaching laboratories and flexible learning facilities.

Updated:  8 November 2019/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services