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RSB Student scholarships & prizes

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Flagship Biology Prizes & Scholarships

Research School of Biology Director’s Prize in HonoursHonours students undertaking BIOL4001
Research School of Biology Outstanding Thesis prizePhD or MPhil student having submitted a thesis in the last calendar year
Hiroto Naora Graduate Student Travel ScholarshipHDR students, one from each division in RSB
Indigenous Knowledge Travel Grant

Students having completed 24 units in any BIOL courses

Are undertaking a short program of study at Charles Darwin University (CDU)


Biology Honours Scholarships

The following scholarships are currently available to Biology Honours students:

  • Angus Nicholson Honours Scholarship in Science ($10,000)
  • Anjeli Nathan Memorial Scholarship ($7000)
  • Bassett Downs Honours Scholarship in Zoology ($7000) – This scholarship is offered in alternate years, next offer is in 2024.
  • Miscellaneous Scholarships ($1000-$5000). Occasionally supervisors may be in a position to offer a scholarship from their research funds. This should be discussed with your supervisor.
  • External or Industry Scholarships:  Your supervisor may know of other scholarships offered by industries, government agencies, The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), CSIRO, or the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS). Please discuss with your supervisor directly. 

Higher Degree Research Scholarships

More information

Prizes are awarded to current ANU students in recognition of outstanding performance in specific courses. Search to see if there is a prize worth aiming for in your course.

Summer Research Scholarships and Summer Internships are designed for talented students considering undertaking postgraduate research in the future.

Other stand-alone student prizes