PhD & MPhil

Degree programs

We offer research projects in a range of biological systems, which involve fundamental investigations and applications of molecular, physiological, cellular, developmental and genetic processes in animals, plants, micro-organisms and viruses.

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ANU has exceptionally strong academic programs in evolutionary biology. The Ecology, Evolution and Genetics research program is broad based, providing access to a wide range of technical facilities and intellectual perspectives to encourage inter-disciplinary research.

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Research in plant sciences serves as a focal point for graduate students interested in the broad range of research in plant biology that exists in the scientific community in Canberra.

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Academic support

RSB offers an excellent research environment and provides students with a high level of support as they work on their research project. RSB has over 70 Group Leaders offering HDR projects in areas covering a wide range of biology, and our graduates hold important positions in academia, industry and government agencies throughout the world. All HDR students in the School have, in addition to a primary supervisor, an expert supervisory panel that provides them with support and advice throughout their degree. Each student is also provided with:

  • A new computer
  • $3,000 (for PhD students) or $2,000 (MPhil) to support travel to conferences

For all domestic (Australian and New Zealand citizens) and International PhD students on full scholarships the Group is allocated up to $5,000 per year for up to four years to support the student’s research costs. The Group support for MPhil students will be $5,000 for up to two years.

Entry to the HDR program is open to applicants who have a comparable Bachelor degree, and a strong research background with either the equivalent of an Australian Honours degree (includes a 10,000 word thesis) or a Master degree with the equivalent thesis component, or alternatively an equivalent publication history.

How to apply

  1. Find a potential supervisor who is willing to supervise your project. You can contact the staff directly and must have a research proposal ready to discuss with the potential supervisor.
  2. Once you found a supervisor who is willing to supervise you, you can then lodge the online admissions application. You must have a supervisor plus the following documents when lodging your application. Any incomplete application will not be assessed:
    • Academic transcripts and graduation/completion certificate from your Bachelor and Honours degree (please include them in their original language as well as a translation).
    • Academic transcripts and graduation/completion certificate from your Masters degree (please include them in their original language as well as a translation).
    • Grading scale for your Bachelor, Honours and Masters degree.
    • Official document(s) with details of the thesis component in your degree(s) (e.g. thesis topic, the number of word required for the thesis, the credit unit load, the examination details and results).
    • A current CV, please include information on scholarships or prizes received, and details of any publications or conferences.
    • Research proposal.
    • The English Language requirement must be met (e.g Current IELTS or TOEFL results or evidence of prior degrees completed in English from particular universities/countries). All applicants for admission to any ANU program, whether domestic or international, must provide evidence that their English language ability meets the minimum requirements for admission. (Please refer to the ANU English Language Requirements)
    • Three referee reports – You will need to enter your referee details in your application form, the system will automatically send your referees a link to complete an online form and will attach back to your application once they have completed it.

Admission applications are open throughout the year. However, if you would like to be considered for a research scholarship, the Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) scholarship application deadline is 31 August for international students and 31 October for domestic students. For other scholarships deadlines, please check the appropriate website.


There is no separate scholarship application. Students will be considered for the scholarship based upon their application for admission and on them meeting the eligibility requirements.

You can browse for external funding opportunities on:

If you are considering applying, please use the flowchart below to assess whether you are eligible for a scholarship. If you have any questions please contact us via

More information

Research School of Biology's Centres and Facilities can offer various short courses and workshops to Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and Higher Degree Researchers (HDRs).

View a list of potential projects available to students.