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HDR Research Video Awards

There shall be 2 prizes of $350 and $250 each for award in 2024 for the HDR Research Video Awards.

Offered by the Research School of Biology


We are looking for short amateur video clips (30-120 seconds) from RSB HDR students, that addresses one or more of the questions below:

  • What did you do for your research project?
  • Why is your research important? Why does it matter?
  • What did you learn?
  • What is cool about your PhD?
  • Why did you choose RSB for your PhD?

Winners will be announced at the RSB HDR conference, 9th of April. You do not have to present at the HDR conference to submit a video – this is open to all RSB HDR Students. Selected videos may be screened at the conference and/or appear on the RSB website and socials. These videos may be used as promotional works, showcasing the interesting work we do at RSB. Your audience is your peers across the college and non-specialists.

For your efforts, you will be eligible for two cash awards.
1st prize is $350
People’s Choice is $250
*If less than 5 submissions are received, the judges may elect to divide the purse among all entrants.

Video submission

Email your video to Videos are due by 10am on Monday the 8th of April 2024

Entrant Details to include in submission:
Your information: Name (First / Last), contact email, Research Group Affiliation, Division, and Year in Program.

Pitch title and description (You will need to provide a title (max. 100 characters including spaces) and an optional description (max. 280 characters including spaces). Keep it sharp and think of the description like a tweet!).


  • At least 30 seconds and maximum 120 seconds duration. A 10% leeway may be accepted at the discretion of the judges.
  • Aspect ratio and resolution
  • The video file should be in 16:9 (landscape) format (without letterboxing), ideally at a resolution of 1920x1080p.
  • File size and encoding
  • Maximum file-size is 100mb. The video must be uploaded as an .mp4 file, ideally encoded with HEVC/h.265

We are in the process of lining up some professionals to “polish” the winning videos (or as many as we can).


You must be an RSB HDR Student to participate.
Judging will be based on impact, clarity and creativity.
Keep the viewer engaged, teach us why it is meaningful, leave us wanting to learn more. Clarity is key, avoid jargon, be concise, get to the core fast, and make it easy for others to recount it to friends and family. Have fun and be creative.