Spencer Whitney
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Dr Whitney undertook his BSc (Botany, Biochemistry and Chemistry) honours and PhD at James Cook University of North Queensland where he discovered unique molecular and biochemical features of the photosynthetic CO2-fixing enzyme, Rubisco, from the symbiotic marine microalgae found in corals and clams. In 1996 he moved to the ANU to begin his postdoctoral studies and expanded his interest in interrogating Rubisco biology using plastome transformation biotechnology. His pivotal work on modifying plant photosynthesis via Rubisco engineering led to him being awarded the Goldacre Award in 2002 from the Australian Society of Plant Scientists and an International Photosynthesis Congress Young Scientist Award in 2004. From 2004-09 he held an ARC Research Fellowship and in 2009 was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship. His research was an integral part of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis and now the ARC Future Crop Development program.
Research interests
My research focuses on utilising synthetic biology to scrutinize the assembly, metabolic regulation and kinetic plasticity of the biospheres most abundant protein, the photosynthetic CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase). The research provides training in molecular biology, protein engineering (directed evolution), enzyme kinetics, biochemistry, plastome transformation, tissue culture, measuring leaf photosynthesis and plant growth.
Despites Rubisco’s pivotal role in photosynthetic carbon assimilation – catalysing the primary step of incorporating CO2 into carbohydrates that are used to store and transport energy - it is surprisingly an inefficient enzyme in need of improvement. It constitutes about 20 to 30% of soluble leaf protein due to its inefficiency. The catalytic inadequacies of Rubisco (such as a slow turnover rate and poor ability to distinguish CO2 from O2) frequently limit the growth capacity of many plants, including most crops. As such, Rubisco has been studied intensively as a prime target for genetic engineering as a means to supercharge photosynthesis and improve growth efficiency. Towards this significant challenge, the primary foci of research in the Whitney laboratory utilises recent technological and conceptual breakthroughs to study Rubisco biogenesis, modify its catalysis, understand its regulation by Rubisco activase and generally tackle the challenges faced in developing strategies for enhancing Rubisco activity to improve plant productivity.
- A synthetic biology approach to supercharging plant CO2 fixation, Supervisor
- Examining Rubisco - Rubisco activase interactions., Supervisor
- Exploring the evolutionary protein landscape of Rubisco, Supervisor
- Expression of modified tobacco and foreign Rubiscos in tobacco chloroplasts, Supervisor
- Overcoming limitations in engineering the Rubisco small subunits in higher plant chloroplasts., Supervisor
- The directed evolution of RuBisCO, Supervisor
- The role of N-terminal post-translational modifications of the tobacco Rubisco large subunit , Supervisor
- Unravelling novel Rubisco structures in algae, Supervisor
- Expression of modified tobacco and foreign Rubiscos in tobacco chloroplasts, Researcher
- Studies on the biochemical regulation of C3 and C4 photosynthesis , Researcher
- The role of N-terminal post-translational modifications of the tobacco Rubisco large subunit , Researcher
Teaching information
The Whitney Lab has hosted honours and undergraduate projects over the last few years. Please contact Spencer to discuss research possibilities within the areas listed in our research projects.
Rm 1.093, Level 1, Linnaeus Building (134)