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Striving toward malaria eradication, by Christina Spry

Striving toward malaria eradication, by Christina Spry

Striving toward malaria eradication: Development of a single drug to kill malaria parasites and the mosquitoes that transmit them.
By Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 us,

If only invasive species were taking their parasites in their luggage

Jeremy Debrulle discusses (Torchin et al. 2003) and the question of what role do parasites actually play in regulating and stabilising populations?
Toxoplasma gondii

Truth or Myth: Toxoplasma as a behavioural disturber

Studies have shown that some parasites can control their hosts, manipulating their behaviour often to the benefit of the parasites.


Updated:  16 August 2021/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services