Connecting to the ANU VPN service

  • ANU provides the GP VPN (Global Protect Virtual Private Network) for users to remotely access a range of ANU and RSB internal services (websites, fileshares, print services), when off campus, or on campus using ANU Secure wifi, and not connected with an ethernet cable.
  • Some sites (e.g., or ) are best accessed through from off-campus.
  • GlobalProtect (GP) is compatable with Windows, Mac, and some Linux operating systems, for both ANU managed machines and personal devices.
  • The three ANU GlobalProtect portals are below.
    - For staff. Access is granted on request to IT services
    For students. Access is automatically granted
    - For visitors. Access is granted on request to IT services.
    After connection to an ANU portal is established, access to the RSB network (fileshares, servers and printers) is arranged on request to RSB IT.

PLEASE NOTE: Personal (BYOD) devices with GlobalProtect can access RSB services (fileshares, servers, and printers), with the exception of student BYODs, which can access fileshares, and servers, but not printers, through 

GlobalProtect VPN 



Updated:  30 April 2020/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services