Centres & units

The Divisions and each of the infrastructure areas are supported by teams of professional staff. RSB academics are supported by grants from large variety of sources, and participate in external Centres and Units listed below.


ARC Training Centre for Future Crops Development logo

ARC Training Centre for Future Crops Development »

The ARC Training Centre for Future Crops Development is building new R&D capabilities in the Agri-food sector by training a new generation of researchers and leaders. This will drive growth, productivity and competitiveness for the benefit of agriculture and global food security.

ARC Training Centre in Plant Biosecurity »

The ARC Training Centre in Plant Biosecurity is training a new generation of researchers and leaders to enhance Australia’s plant biosecurity capability and protect natural and productive ecosystems.

Australian Mountain Research Facility »

The Australian Mountain Environmental Research Facility is a collaboration across universities and land management agencies that brings together leading institutions and researchers to produce world-leading ecosystem, evolutionary and biophysical science, to guide adaptive management of High Mountains across Australia.
CBA logo

Centre for Biodiversity Analysis »

The Centre for Biodiversity Analysis (CBA) is a collaboration between ANU, CSIRO and the University of Canberra (UC) to exploit new and emerging capabilities in the discovery, understanding and conservation of Australia’s unique biodiversity.
Let's make Konzo disappear banner

Konzo Prevention Unit »

Konzo is a neurological disease that causes irreversible paralysis of the legs. It is caused by malnutrition and consumption of high levels of a cyanide compound in cassava. Thanks to the research of Dr Howard Bradbury, there is now a simple, inexpensive method to remove the poisonous compound and prevent Konzo.


PEB logo

ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology »

The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology (PEB) is a cutting edge research centre focused on better understanding the way in which plants interconvert forms of chemical energy in response to environmental change.
CoE TP logo

Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis »

The Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis is researching photosynthesis with the aim of increasing the yield of important food crops to address global food shortages in a changing world climate.

Updated:  11 June 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services