Unusual portraits of RSB members Marilyn Ball and Jack Egerton were part of an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, entitled 'So Fine: Contemporary women artists make Australian History'. The portraits are part of a group of six sculptures made of bones, skins, furs, fabrics and other natural materials.
Professor Rana Munns, an eminent Australian plant scientist who works on increased crop production on dry or saline soils has been awarded the Ralph Slatyer Medal for outstanding biological research for 2018.
Researchers have a new understanding of the genetic makeup of a fungus that causes the disease Wheat Stripe Rust, one of the most destructive wheat diseases globally costing $1 billion annually.
Plant carbon fixation, a vital process for capturing energy, profoundly influences various aspects of our lives, including food, clothing fibers, medicines, building materials, and even the production of human therapeutics.
The Australian Plant Phenomics Network (APPN, formerly known as APPF) is comprised of nine institutions offering controlled-environment phenotyping facilities, mobile phenotyping units, and field sites strategically spread across Australia’s diverse climate zones.
Results show that the processing of a specific module of Photosystem-associated proteins and concomitantly progression of chloroplast biogenesis depend on active photosynthesis early in plant development.
Blumeria hordei (Bh) causes the powdery mildew disease of barley. In resistant barley lines, the RNase-like Bh AVRA effectors are recognized by immune receptors encoded at the barley Mildew locus a (Mla).