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Monday, 16 Sep 2019

Dr Caitlin Byrt explores strategies for advancing water filtration.

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Professor Barry Pogson. Image: Lannon Harley, ANU
Thursday, 12 Sep 2019

Professor Barry Pogson, from the ANU Research School of Biology, was awarded $2.9 million to create higher-yielding and more resilient 'smart plants' for good and bad seasons.

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Tuesday, 25 Jun 2019

Distinguished Professor Graham Farquhar has been honoured with a tapestry representing his life's work, including his Kyoto Prize, unveiled at University House.

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Tuesday, 11 Jun 2019

Professor Geoff McFadden has been awarded the Ralph Slatyer Medal for research in understanding the malaria parasite.

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Monday, 08 Apr 2019

Plant biologist and Head of the Plant Sciences Division at the ANU Research School of Biology, Professor Owen Atkin, has been named the 2019 Vice-Chancellor's Entrepreneurial Fellow for his work around entrepreneurial agri-technology.

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Thursday, 07 Mar 2019

To create a future you can look forward to we need to upgrade our crop plant resources. Upgrading crops to improve productivity and adapt to environmental stresses, such as extreme climatic conditions, is key to our future food security and quality of life.

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23 Sep 2020 | 5pm

Accelerated gene evolution is a hallmark of pathogen adaptation and is crucial to enable host-range expansions and host-jumps

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9 Sep 2020 | 3:30pm

The emergence and implementation of Cas endonuclease technology has undoubtedly taken plant research and biotechnology to a higher level.

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2 Sep 2020 | 12pm

Irrespective of species, plant roots have remarkably similar patterning, and thus, many cell types are considered functionally homologous across species.

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19 Aug 2020 | 12pm

Agriculture and ecosystems are tipping toward collapse due to land use and climate extremes. Irreversible feedbacks in the land system can lock in food insecurity, biodiversity loss and a hot house world.

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14 Aug 2020 | 12pm

In order to sustain and improve cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) production in future climates with increasingly hot mean annual temperatures and more frequent and extreme heatwaves, developing climate-adapted cotton cultivars is required.

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12 Aug 2020 | 12pm

Many photosynthetic organisms employ a CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) to increase the rate of CO2 fixation via the Calvin cycle. CCMs catalyze ≈50% of global photosynthesis, yet it remains unclear which genes and proteins are necessary for a CCM to function.

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