News & events

World leading ANU scientists recognised among nation's best

A plant biologist and geochemist from The Australian National University have both been recognised for their outstanding contributions to their fields of science.
Jeremy Pickett-Heaps

Vale Jeremy David Pickett-Heaps

One of the illustrious founder members of RSBS passed away on 11 April 2021. Jeremy David Pickett-Heaps FAA, FRS worked in the (then) Department of Developmental Biology from 1968-70. His surveys of ultrastructural aspects of cell division in green algae (many collected from Lake Burley Griffin and Sullivan’s Creek) led him to a new formulation of the evolution of the Plant Kingdom, a landmark contribution in the plant sciences, now confirmed and fleshed out by sequencing data.

Molecule traps carbon dioxide in leaf tissue

Florence Danila of Australian National University’s ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis has discovered how plants improve photosynthesis by trapping carbon dioxide inside cell layers.


PS Seminar Series - Genome-wide reconstruction of a de novo domesticated diverse synthetic Brassica napus population

3.30pm 2 Aug 2024
Brassica napus (AnAnCnCn) is the worldwide important oilseed crop, and also a young allotetraploid species with limited genetic diversity and short history of cultivation.

Updated:  18 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services