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Wednesday, 25 Jan 2023

Scientists from ANU are drawing inspiration from plants to develop new techniques to separate and extract valuable minerals, metals and nutrients from resource-rich wastewater.

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Thursday, 08 Dec 2022

Not content with the challenging conditions for crop production here on Earth, Associate Professor Caitlin Byrt is lending her expertise to an ambitious space mission to grow plants on the moon.

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Friday, 07 Oct 2022

ANU will lend its unique expertise in plant biology to an ambitious mission led by Australian space start-up Lunaria One that aims to grow plants on the moon by as early as 2025. 

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Thursday, 01 Sep 2022

A team of researchers from the ANU Research School of Biology and CSIRO has been awarded more than $1 million to develop technology that harvests valuable resources from our wastewater.

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Friday, 19 Aug 2022

Using cutting-edge technology, biologist Dr Benjamin Schwessinger from The Australian National University (ANU) is helping to protect the biosecurity of Australia's unique flora and agricultural industry.

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Tuesday, 09 Aug 2022

In a new paper published in Nature Plants, we report on a natural secret that could ultimately be used to help plants thrive while using less water.

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21 Sep 2022 | 12pm

‘Translational research’ became an increasingly common term when it was realised that much agriculturally inspired basic research failed to contribute to the improvement of crops.

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31 Aug 2022 | 3:30pm

The steady-state mRNA abundance is an outcome of transcript synthesis counter-balanced by turnover.

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26 Aug 2022 | 4pm

Slow wave potentials propagate from sites of damage to distal leaves in wounded plants.

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19 Aug 2022 | 3:30pm

In plants, Rubisco is responsible for the assimilation of CO2 during photosynthesis.

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12 Aug 2022 | 12pm

Plant biotechnology predominantly relies on a restricted set of genetic parts with limited capability to customize spatiotemporal and conditional expression patterns.

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22 Jul 2022 | 3:30pm

As sessile organisms, plants have evolved a multitude of mechanisms to acclimate to their environment enabling the plant to optimise development and reproduction, and fight off or resist both biotic and abiotic stresses they may encounter through their life cycle.

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