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Howard in Mozambique

In memoriam - Dr Howard Bradbury AM

On Monday, 28 November, Emeritus Professor Howard Bradbury passed away.
Howard at work

Biography of Howard Bradbury

Howard worked tirelessly to translate science into effective actions to improve the lives of some of the poorest people in the world. His passion, humour and determination inspired many of us and one of his greatest wishes was to see that work to prevent konzo continue. We will do our best to honour his legacy.
Howard in Mozambique

Preventing konzo - the retirement project of Professor Howard Bradbury, AM

Howard Bradbury followed in his father’s footsteps. “Dad was a chemist and he used to keep telling me stories about it all the time. I couldn’t understand what he said, but somehow something just rubbed off and so I always thought science would be real fun, so I just went into it. I must say I’ve enjoyed every minute."


Updated:  16 January 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services