News & events
Climate crisis puts Australia’s ski industry on slippery slope, but not all hope is lost
Australia’s ski industry is at risk of major disruptions and shorter seasons if the current level of climate pollution continues, according to new modelling from Protect Our Winters Australia (POW) and The Australian National University (ANU).What’s that in my nest? How the evolutionary arms race between cuckoos and hosts creates new species
In new research published in Science, biologists show how coevolution drives the creation of new species of cuckoos.Clever cockies: the social and innovative birds living in our cities
Working on the Clever Cockie Project, Dr Julia Penndorf is tracking all the odd but fascinating behaviours that Sydney and Canberra cockatoos get up to in urban environments.Pages
E&E PhD Exit Seminar: Quantifying inbreeding depression in wild bird populations using genomic methods
Event recordings
24 May 2024
Murraya Lane, Ford Group, E&E, RSB
Bushfires are a major disturbance process in the Australian landscape, affecting our native wildlife and their habitat. The dry sclerophyll forests of south-eastern Australia are...
9 May 2024
Maria Thaker, Professor, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science
Fitness depends entirely on how well individuals can survive and reproduce – both of which can be quite stressful. What makes these even more challenging is that the traits that...

18 March 2024
Professor Craig Moritz, Director of the Research School of Biology
Professor Craig Moritz, Director of the Research School of Biology
6 March 2024
Szymon Drobniak, Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Birds are some of the most colourful organisms on Earth - no wonder they are one of the most studied models in the evolutionary ecology of colour signalling.
23 February 2024
Audrey Prasetya, Moritz Group, E&E, RSB
Despite only taking up 3% of the world’s total landmass area, the Indo-Australian Archipelago holds a disproportionate amount of biodiversity.
2 February 2024
Rosie Harris, Nicotra Group, E&E, RSB
My thesis explores the relationships between temperature and photosynthetic organismal physiology, focusing on the thermal tolerance of land plants and seaweeds, which are crucial...
27 November 2023
Richard Turner, Kruuk Group, E&E, RSB
A fundamental challenge in animal ecology research lies in the ability to understand the factors that shape the evolution and plasticity of behaviours, life histories, and...
27 November 2023
Andreas Bachler, Stone Group, Biological Data Science Institute (BDSI)
The Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, is a globally distributed polyphagous pest with a profound economic and environmental impact.
2 November 2023
Alex Skeels, Cardillo Group, RSB
The extraordinary diversity of life has evolved alongside major changes in Earth’s climate and geography and understanding this link is one of the key goals of evolutionary...
20 October 2023
Yusuke Fukuda, Moritz Group, E&E, RSB
Human-crocodile conflict is becoming a conservation challenge worldwide. The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is the largest (>6 m total length, >1000kg) and most...
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