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Monday, 21 Dec 2020

Amber Condell likes stories - both hearing them and telling them. That’s why she likes studying genetics.

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Friday, 07 Aug 2020

A study led by researchers at ANU could lead to new treatments for combating drug-resistant malaria, as well as boost existing drugs.

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Tuesday, 09 Jun 2020

In fiction and popular culture, parasitic characters appear as a metaphor for the threat and spread of disease.

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Monday, 02 Mar 2020

My group focuses on understanding the function of integral membrane transporters and receptors from a structural perspective.

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Tuesday, 11 Jun 2019

Professor Geoff McFadden has been awarded the Ralph Slatyer Medal for research in understanding the malaria parasite.

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Professor Stefan Bröer
Thursday, 11 Apr 2019

Stefan Bröer is looking for the right molecule for a biological target, that could be developed into a drug to treat diabetes. Now ANU has its own library of compounds, available to biological and medical researchers, managed by the Research School of Chemistry.

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2 Dec 2021 | 1pm

Scientific and technological advancements in the field of cell physiology over the last thirty years have uncovered the identities and functions of over sixty solute carriers which participate in the transport of amino acids in mammalian cells.

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18 Nov 2021 | 1pm

Many genes that have been recently identified as determinants of drug resistance in the malaria parasite encode membrane transport proteins (also known as transporters). 

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2 Jun 2021 | 1 - 2pm

Want to get funded? The College Research Office (CRO) in the College of Science is here to help you with that. The CRO provides administrative support at every stage of your funding journey, from pre-to post-award and everything in between.

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20 Oct 2020 | 1 - 5pm

National undergraduate synthetic biology challenge.

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8 Oct 2020 | 4 - 5pm

Seminar by Mathieu Coincon, Senior Researcher – MicroED specialist Swedish CryoEM Facility, Stockholm

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24 Sep 2020 | 1 - 2pm

The role of nutrient balance in lifespan extension by dietary restriction in Drosophila, Matthew Piper, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Victoria, Australia

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