Event recordings

Watch and listen to recordings of our past presentations.

  22 May 2024

Dr Cheng Soon Ong, Associate Science Director, Data61, CSIRO

Dr Cheng Soon Ong, Associate Science Director, Data61, CSIRO

  9 May 2024

Maria Thaker, Professor, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science

Fitness depends entirely on how well individuals can survive and reproduce – both of which can be quite stressful. What makes these even more challenging is that the traits that...

  15 April 2024

Professor Ulrike Mathesius, Head of Division, Division of Plant Sciences

Professor Ulrike Mathesius, Head of Division, Division of Plant Sciences

  4 April 2024

Povilas Uzdavinys, Postdoctoral Fellow, Eric Geertsma Group, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology & Genetics, Germany

A lipid bilayer is a vital component of the cell. It is selectively permeable, allowing only ions and organic molecules to pass through. Ions and solutes are transported by...

  28 March 2024

Sam Lane, Head of Fermentation, Samsara Eco, Sara Sadeghipour, Product Manager, In Vitro

Discover the capabilities of the new Precision Fermentation Facility that has been established at RSB, including an overview of the equipment, its capabilities and potential...

  18 March 2024

Professor Craig Moritz, Director of the Research School of Biology

Professor Craig Moritz, Director of the Research School of Biology

  6 March 2024

Szymon Drobniak, Jagiellonian University (Poland)

Birds are some of the most colourful organisms on Earth - no wonder they are one of the most studied models in the evolutionary ecology of colour signalling.

  23 February 2024

Audrey Prasetya, Moritz Group, E&E, RSB

Despite only taking up 3% of the world’s total landmass area, the Indo-Australian Archipelago holds a disproportionate amount of biodiversity.

  15 February 2024

Dr John Throup, SVP, Head of Development, Jnana Therapeutics

Toxic accumulation of phenylalanine underlies the neurological deficits and morbidity in phenylketonuria (PKU). Despite availability of treatment options for PKU patients, high...

  2 February 2024

Rosie Harris, Nicotra Group, E&E, RSB

My thesis explores the relationships between temperature and photosynthetic organismal physiology, focusing on the thermal tolerance of land plants and seaweeds, which are crucial...


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