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Tuesday, 25 May 2021

A plant biologist and geochemist from The Australian National University have both been recognised for their outstanding contributions to their fields of science.

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Jeremy Pickett-Heaps
Wednesday, 21 Apr 2021

One of the illustrious founder members of RSBS passed away on 11 April 2021. Jeremy David Pickett-Heaps FAA, FRS worked in the (then) Department of Developmental Biology from 1968-70. His surveys of ultrastructural aspects of cell division in green algae (many collected from Lake Burley Griffin and Sullivan’s Creek) led him to a new formulation of the evolution of the Plant Kingdom, a landmark contribution in the plant sciences, now confirmed and fleshed out by sequencing data.

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Thursday, 15 Apr 2021

Florence Danila of Australian National University’s ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis has discovered how plants improve photosynthesis by trapping carbon dioxide inside cell layers.

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Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021

A new study shows that long-term drought in biodiverse Amazonian tropical rainforest can fundamentally change the soil, increasing the abundance of an unusual group of fungal species that may help the trees resist drought, and by altering the underlying biogeochemistry.

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Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021

ANU experts have found a way to precisely measure a crop’s water loss through its skin, not just the pores on their leaves.

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Thursday, 11 Mar 2021

Three researchers from ANU who've changed the way we see the world have been recognised for their ground-breaking work with prestigious awards from The Australian Academy of Science.

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26 Oct 2022 | 4pm

Tropical forests are highly productive and biodiverse, exchanging more carbon with the atmosphere than any other terrestrial ecosystem and representing the apex of taxonomic and structural diversity on land.

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21 Oct 2022 | 11am

The research line is devoted to the study of the interaction between peanuts and beneficial microorganisms.

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12 Oct 2022 | 12pm

Phi thickenings are peculiar secondary cell wall thickenings that form reinforcing bands around the radial walls of cortical cells in plant roots, a location where only a primary cell wall would normally be found.

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7 Oct 2022 | 3:30pm

Global crop yields per hectare have plateaued in recent years while consumption and population continue to grow.

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30 Sep 2022 | 2pm

This seminar begins with the three and a half fold increase in the farm yield of irrigated wheat from 1960 to 2019 in NW Mexico, the homebase of the CIMMYT wheat breeding program

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28 Sep 2022 | 12pm

The ability to rapidly adapt to changing environments, especially to artificial environments created by industrial agriculture and modern medicine, is crucial for the success of pathogens infecting plants and animals.

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