Researchers have discovered why malaria parasites are vulnerable to some drug therapies but resistant to others, offering scientists another piece of the puzzle in the global fight against the disease.
While Angus Rae focuses intently on a captivating microscopic world, he is actually working towards a solution for an environmental catastrophe occurring on a global scale.
A new research centre based at ANU will train the next generation of scientists to develop more resilient crops and significantly grow Australia's agricultural sector.
Eucalyptus trees are widespread across Australia, providing habitat to a rich biodiversity of marsupials, birds and insects, being key foundation species in natural ecosystems.
Austropuccinia psidii is the fungal pathogen that causes myrtle rust on Myrtaceae hosts. First described on South American guava in 1884, the disease was noted on introduced eucalypt plantations in Brazil in 1912 before spreading globally.
The genebank of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) holds the 2nd largest collection of Barley (Hordeum) species, storing over thirty-two thousand accessions.
Seed germination is a most critical phase in a plant life cycle, particularly under abiotic stress conditions, such as drought or salinity, to which it is especially vulnerable, with severe consequences on productivity