PS Seminar Series: Photosynthesis at extremes

This seminar will explore photosynthetic strategies across diverse extreme environments, presenting case studies on cyanobacteria inhabiting marine oxygen deficient zones, algae growing within sea-ice and snow, and chemoautotrophic bacteria encased within ancient anoxic marine brines.

schedule Date & time
6 Nov 2024 12:00pm
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Assoc Prof Jodi Young, University of Washington, Seattle
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Abstract: Studying the remarkable adaptations of photosynthetic organisms across extreme environments can uncover insights into the limits of photosynthesis on Earth and beyond. This seminar will explore photosynthetic strategies across diverse extreme environments, presenting case studies on cyanobacteria inhabiting marine oxygen deficient zones, algae growing within sea-ice and snow, and chemoautotrophic bacteria encased within ancient anoxic marine brines. I will discuss characteristics of the light harvesting complexes, Rubisco enzymes and cellular metabolism. Additionally, we will examine the implication of these adaptations on ecosystem dynamics, biogeochemical cycling and applications to the field of Astrobiology.

Biography: Jodi Young is an Associate Professor at the School of Oceanography, University of Washington (UWs) in Seattle. She is part of UW’s Future of Ice Initiative and is the Associate Director of the UW Astrobiology Program. Her expertise lies in polar ecosystems, marine photosynthesis and Astrobiology and has conducted field work in the Antarctic, Arctic and across major ocean basins. She is a visiting faculty for the next 3 weeks at the Division of Plant Sciences at ANU and is looking to develop new collaborations and connections.


Please note: this seminar will be held in the Eucalyptus Rm and via Zoom, details are included below.
Eucalyptus Seminar Room 
S205, Level 2
RN Robertson Bldg (46)
Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 108664

Canberra time: please check your local time & date if you are watching from elsewhere.

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