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Tuesday, 05 Jul 2016

A new method to quantify plasmodesmata in leaves to compare photosynthesis transport mechanisms in C3 and C4 crops.

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29 Apr 2022 | 12pm

Plants that exhibit moisture-regulated root branching, called hydropatterning, are able to detect spatial differences in water distribution around their root growth zone, which leads to pre-patterning of lateral root primordia towards regions of higher water availability.

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22 Apr 2022 | 2:30pm

Rust diseases are a serious threat to cereals and other crops worldwide. The interaction between flax and the flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini, is a model pathosystem helping us to understand the molecular basis of rust fungal pathogenicity in plants.

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30 Mar 2022 | 12pm

The rate of photosynthesis and plant growth is often rate limited by the activity of the CO2-fixing enzyme Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco).

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25 Mar 2022 | 3:30 - 4pm

Plants are sessile organisms and are therefore unable to seek out environmental conditions optimal for their growth and development.

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25 Mar 2022 | 3 - 3:30pm

Plant scientists are in a race against time to adapt modern crops to future environments, many of which are predicted to be hotter and drier.

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23 Mar 2022 | 12pm

Synthetic gene circuits are a new biotechnological framework for the generation of organisms harbouring user-defined gene expression patterns and other genetic functions.

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