News & events

ANU to boost Australia's nuclear and biosecurity expertise

ANU has been awarded a total of almost $10m in funding from the Australian Research Council (ARC) to bolster the nation's capabilities in nuclear and radiation science, and plant biosecurity.

A sweet breakthrough towards tastier and healthier fruit

Professor Yong-Ling Ruan and his colleagues have made a breakthrough that could yield tastier and healthier fruit.

Dr Kai Chan, Group Leader and ARC Decra Fellow awarded 2023 Westpac Research Fellowship

As the urgency for climate solutions increases globally, Westpac Scholars Trust supports successful scholars to research to solve some of Australia’s greatest environmental challenges.


PS Seminar Series - Myrtle rust research advances and challenges

12pm 25 Sep 2024
Austropuccinia psidii is the fungal pathogen that causes myrtle rust on Myrtaceae hosts. First described on South American guava in 1884, the disease was noted on introduced eucalypt plantations in Brazil in 1912 before spreading globally.

PS Seminar Series

12pm 16 Oct 2024
More information to come

PS PhD Exit Seminar

3.30pm 15 Nov 2024
More information to come

Event recordings

12 October 2022

Assoc Professor David Collings, The University of Newcastle

Phi thickenings are peculiar secondary cell wall thickenings that form reinforcing bands around the radial walls of cortical cells in plant roots, a location where only a primary...

7 October 2022

Andres Garcia, PhD candidate, Atkin Group - Plant respiration in a changing world

Global crop yields per hectare have plateaued in recent years while consumption and population continue to grow.

28 September 2022

Mareike Moeller, Postdoc, Oregon State University, USA

The ability to rapidly adapt to changing environments, especially to artificial environments created by industrial agriculture and modern medicine, is crucial for the success of...

21 September 2022

John Passioura, Visiting Fellow, The Australian National University

‘Translational research’ became an increasingly common term when it was realised that much agriculturally inspired basic research failed to contribute to the improvement of crops.

26 August 2022

Edward E. Farmer, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Slow wave potentials propagate from sites of damage to distal leaves in wounded plants.

12 August 2022

Dr James P B Lloyd, University of Western Australia's School of Molecular Sciences and ARC CoE in Plant Energy Biology

Plant biotechnology predominantly relies on a restricted set of genetic parts with limited capability to customize spatiotemporal and conditional expression patterns.

22 July 2022

Julie Leroux - PS PhD Candidate, Pogson Group

As sessile organisms, plants have evolved a multitude of mechanisms to acclimate to their environment enabling the plant to optimise development and reproduction, and fight off or...

10 June 2022

Prof Yong-Ling Ruan - Honorary Group Leader, Division of Plant Sciences, The Australian National University

Source-to-sink allocation of, and sink-to-sink competition for, photoassimilates, mainly in the form of sucrose, play a key role in determining energy and resource distribution in...

25 May 2022

A/Prof Mathew G. Lewsey - Co-Deputy Director, ARC Research Hub for Medicinal Agriculture, La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia

Seeds provide 70% of global food resources, being the most valuable output from plant production. They also play a critical role in agriculture because the lifecycle of most crops...

25 March 2022

Professor Andrew Borrell, Crop Physiologist, The University of Queensland

Plants are sessile organisms and are therefore unable to seek out environmental conditions optimal for their growth and development.

Updated:  18 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services