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Wednesday, 20 Mar 2024

Dr. Florence Danila of the Australian National University wins Thomas Davies 2024 grant from the Australian Academy of Science to support her work on plasmodesmata.

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Wednesday, 22 Nov 2023

The remarkable ability of mangrove forests to remember recent droughts could leave them more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

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Tuesday, 19 Sep 2023

Dr. Florence Danila awarded as one of the 2023 ACT's Young Tall Poppies on 19 September 2023 at the Shine Dome.

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ANU Campus
Monday, 07 Aug 2023

ANU has been awarded a total of almost $10m in funding from the Australian Research Council (ARC) to bolster the nation's capabilities in nuclear and radiation science, and plant biosecurity.

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Thursday, 15 Jun 2023

Professor Yong-Ling Ruan and his colleagues have made a breakthrough that could yield tastier and healthier fruit.

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Wednesday, 22 Mar 2023

As the urgency for climate solutions increases globally, Westpac Scholars Trust supports successful scholars to research to solve some of Australia’s greatest environmental challenges.

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7 Aug 2020 | 12pm

C-TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDES (CEPs) interact with the CEPR1 receptor to control nitrate uptake and primary root growth, however the role of CEP-CEPR1 signalling in controlling overall root system architecture is unknown.

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5 Aug 2020 | 4:30pm

Disease resistance is mediated by recognition of pathogen avriulence effectors (AVR) through host nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLR).

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31 Jul 2020 | 12pm

The interaction of C-TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDES (CEPs) with CEP RECEPTOR1 (CEPR1) controls root growth and development, as well as nitrate uptake, but has no known role in determining yield.

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29 Jul 2020 | 12pm

This seminar will discuss the terabytes of unused satellite data that observe the natural world, yet have not been widely used for field biology, in the context of agriculture.

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22 Jul 2020 | 12pm

Silencing of transposable elements (TEs) is essential for maintaining genome stability. Plants use small RNAs (sRNAs) to direct DNA methylation to TEs (RNA-directed DNA methylation; RdDM). Similar mechanisms of epigenetic silencing in the fungal kingdom have remained elusive.

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17 Jul 2020 | 12pm

This research project investigates how photoassimilates moves from source leaves to other sink tissues that accumulate large amounts of carbohydrates. Many sinks such as stem and seeds/grains rely on the accumulation of sugars and starch during their development as they mature and become storage tissue.

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