News & events

A croc’s life: below the surface, there’s more than meets the eye

How did saltwater crocodiles snap up Yusuke Fukuda’s heart?

Genomics software a weapon of choice in war against COVID-19

Dr Robert Lanfear of the ANU Research School of Biology and Dr Minh Bui, from the College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics (CECC) are finalists for the 2023 Eureka Prize for Excellence in Research Software.

Study maps plan to save native rodent from extinction

A first-of-its-kind genetic study of the endangered Australian Pookila - formerly known as the New Holland Mouse - is contributing to saving the species from extinction.


E&E Seminar: Bridging ethology and ecotourism: A case study of Shrimp Watching tourism in Thailand

1pm 26 Sep 2024
Ethological studies not only shed light on how and why animals engage in extraordinary behaviours but also offer opportunities to understand how human activities disturb wildlife in the Anthropocene.

Event recordings

9 March 2023

Lynea Witczak Oldfather, Flinders University

Social interactions regulate our behavior and physiology, and connections between social well-being and health may be one reason why individuals who are happy with their...

23 February 2023

Claudia Londono Nieto, University of Valencia, Spain

Sexual conflict occurs when male and female evolutionary interest do not coincide and is an important determinant of population viability and evolvability.

3 November 2022

Lee Ann Rollins, University of New South Wales

Exotic invasions offer an ideal opportunity to investigate evolution, which often occurs rapidly when organisms are introduced to novel environments.

20 October 2022

Mark Hovenden, School of Natural Sciences, University of Tasmania

Highland grasslands present a familiar landscape to anyone keen on mountain areas. These ecosystems are aesthetically pleasing, support many endemic species and are important...

13 October 2022

Tanya Latty, University of Sydney

Organisms display a wide variety of social behaviours ranging from nesting aggregations to parental care to the amazingly complex societies found in eusocial insects such as...

2 September 2022

Truc Nguyen, Gordon Group, E&E, RSB

Extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) strains are responsible for the majority of extra-intestinal infections in humans, including urinary tract infections,...

31 August 2022

Yun Hsiao, Rowell Group, E&E, RSB

Cycads are subtropical and tropical palm-like gymnosperms, commonly known as “living fossils” as they arose in the late Paleozoic and were much more diverse and dominant during...

26 August 2022

Lauren Harrison, Head & Jennions Groups, E&E, RSB

Males compete against each other for female attention, for access to mating opportunities, and the sperm of multiple males can compete to fertilise a female’s eggs.

26 May 2022

Jeff Powell, Western Sydney University

The vast majority of plants are mycorrhizal, with two of the most dominant types (arbuscular [AM] and ectomycorrhizal [EcM]) existing at opposite ends of multiple spectra.

19 May 2022

Peter Unmack

Carp gudgeons in eastern Australia have evolved a complex and quirky system of hemiclonal unisexual reproduction.

Updated:  16 January 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services