Research groups

ANU Groups associated with the CoETP are listed below. For a complete list of the Centre's members, please visit the CoETP's Our People page.

Byrt Group – Engineering plant membrane proteins and solute transport to increase yield security »

We work on engineering strategies to increase crop tolerance to salinity and drought, and to advance water filtration technology.

Farquhar Group - Coordination of CO2 fixation and transpiration in plants »

Our research includes: photosynthesis and growth with N2 and water use of plants; stomatal physiology; isotopic composition of plants & global change science.
the von Caemmerer Group in 2021

von Caemmerer Group - CO2 fixation and water loss of leaves »

We are investigating aspects of carbon acquisition by plants including the biochemistry of CO2 fixation and regulation of CO2 diffusion into and within leaves.

Whitney Group - Synthetic Photosynthesis - bioengineering enzymes to adjust carbon fixation »

We focus on the development and use of synthetic tools to scrutinize the biology of the most abundant protein, the photosynthetic CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco.

Updated:  4 June 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services