10 Aug 2020
Tunan (Nicole) Yu discusses Horwitz and Wilcox (2005) and taking a multi-faceted view towards parasites to manage disease risk.
7 Aug 2020
"How could I have been so naive to think that parasites would not have an intrinsic role to play in every ecosystem considering the fundamentals of...
7 Aug 2020
Parasites have a crucial role in the earth’s ecosystem and are often left out of the climate change conversation. A blog post by Margot Schneider
7 Aug 2020
Why is the Varroa Mite so virulent considering they are completely reliant on their bee hosts for transport, reproduction and as their sole food source?
5 Aug 2020
Students discuss their experiences of parasitology courses at ANU: Parasitology BIOL3142 and Appreciating Parasites: From Molecules to Ecosystems BIOL3210.
5 Aug 2020
"A parasite an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense...
5 Aug 2020
Treatments for human afflictions can be found in the most obscure places and in the strangest creatures.
9 Jun 2020
In fiction and popular culture, parasitic characters appear as a metaphor for the threat and spread of disease.
11 Feb 2020
Jennie Mallela is a Real Wonder Women in STEM.
11 Feb 2020
Professor Susan Howitt reflects on being a scientist
11 Feb 2020
Read how Yu Zhou's PhD research is improving photosynthesis to feed the world: the red algae story.
11 Feb 2020
Lauren Harrison, a PhD student in RSB, writes about what it’s like to be a woman in science and the importance of mentoring.