20 Aug 2009
David Miller of James Cook University and Eldon Ball of ANU, the Research School of Biiology, are leading a project to sequence a coral genome using Illumina...
19 Aug 2009
Dr Conrad Hoskin, from the Research School of Biology, has won the Eureka Prize for Early Career Species Discovery, worth $10,000. His discovery of an unknown...
14 Aug 2009
The Science Museum in London is redesigning its award winning biomedical gallery called ‘Who am I’ to include the latest discoveries in genomics and...
31 Mar 2009
ANU has more women Fellows in the Australian Academy of Science (AAS) than any other institution after an eco-physiologist was elected to the ranks of the...
30 Mar 2009
Congratulations to Professor Marilyn Ball who has recently been elected to the Australian Academy of Science. Distinguished for her work on plant physiology:...
18 Nov 2008
Australian researchers have launched the world's first detailed map of the kangaroo genome, completing the first phase of the kangaroo genomics project. “A...
6 Nov 2008
To find a cure for cancer, haemophilia and other diseases, researchers need to be looking for complex, interacting genetic factors, according to the authors of...
29 Oct 2008
Congratulations to the following School of Biology members who have won ARC Discovery Grants to commence in 2009 with a combined value of over $4.2 million:...
29 Oct 2008
Congratulations to the following School of Biology members who have won NHMRC Project Grants to commence in 2009 with a combined value of over $1.8 million:...
22 Sep 2008
In a new paper just published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Scott Keogh, Danielle Edwards and colleagues have described a newly...
31 Jul 2008
A unique Australian plant research centre designed to help tackle major global challenges such as climate change, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity...
27 Jun 2008
ANU College of Science researchers have secured funding for more than $2.2 million, won in the latest round of Linkage Grants from the Australian Research...