Konzo Kits
The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded the research and development of kits A to G and supply of the kits, free of charge, to agriculturalists and health workers in developing countries. This funding ceased in 2004 but the free offer is still available although due to demand we can only send one 1 kit. Kits A, B2, D1, E, F and G (100 tests) are available for purchase by contacting the Konzo Prevention Fund on konzo@anu.edu.au. Nearly 700 free and 850+ purchased kits have now been supplied to workers in over 40 countries.
- Kit A: Determination of total cyanide in cassava roots. Protocol A (pdf)
- Kit B2: Determination of total cyanide in cassava products (flour, gari, etc.) Protocol B2 (pdf)
- Kit D1: Determination of thiocyanate in urine. Protocol D1 (pdf)
- Kit E: Determination of total cyanide in leaves. Protocol E (pdf)
- Kit F: Determination of total cyanide in bamboo shoots. Protocol F (pdf)
- Kit G: Determination of total cyanide in flax seed (linseed). Protocol G (pdf)
- Protocols for Kits B2 and D1 are available in French and Portuguese on request.