Konzo is a neurological disease that causes irreversible paralysis of the legs. It is caused by malnutrition and consumption of high levels of a cyanide compound in cassava. Thanks to the research of Dr Howard Bradbury, there is now a simple, inexpensive method to remove the poisonous compound and prevent Konzo.
- Bradbury, J.H., Cliff, J., Banea, J.P. (2015) Making cassava safe using the wetting method. South Sudan Medical J. 8(1), 4-7. (SSMJ)
- Banea, J.P., Bradbury, J.H., Nahimana, D., Denton, I.C., Mashukano, N., and Kuwa, N. (2015) Survey of the konzo prevalence of village people and their nutrition in Kwilu District, Bandundu Province, DRC. African J. Food Sci. 9(2), 43-50. (DOI)
- Banea, J.P., Bradbury, J.H., Mandombi, C., Nahimana, D., Denton, I.C., Foster, M.P., Kuwa, N., Katumbay, D.T. (2014) Prevention of konzo in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) using the wetting method and correlation between konzo incidence and percentage of children with high urinary thiocyanate level. African J. Food Sci. 8(6), 297-304. (DOI)
- Banea, J.P., Bradbury, J.H., Mandombi, C., Nahimana, D., Denton, I.C., Kuwa, N., and Tshala Katumbay, D. (2014) Effectiveness of wetting method for control of konzo and reduction of cyanide poisoning by removal of cyanogens from cassava flour. Food Nutrition Bulletin 35, 28-32. (DOI)
- Bradbury, J.H. and Denton, I.C. (2014) Mild method for removal of cyanogens from cassava leaves with retention of vitamins and protein. Food Chem. 158, 417-420. (DOI)
- Banea, J.P., Bradbury, J.H., Mandombi, C., Nahimana, D., Denton, I.C., Kuwa, N. and Tshala Katumbay, D. (2013) Control of konzo by detoxification of cassava flour in three villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Food Chem. Toxicol. 60, 506-513. (DOI)
- Banea, J.P., Nahimana, G., Mandombi, C., Bradbury, J.H., Denton, I.C. and Kuwa, N. (2012) Control of konzo in DRC using the wetting method on cassava flour. Food Chem. Toxicol. 50, 1517-1523. (DOI)
- Bradbury, J.H. and Denton, I.C (2010) Rapid wetting method to reduce cyanogen content of cassava flour. Food Chem. 121, 591-594. (DOI)
- Bradbury, J.H. and Denton, I.C. (2010) Simple method to reduce the cyanogen content of gari made from cassava. Food Chem. 123, 840-845. (DOI)
- Bradbury, J.H. (2009) Development of a sensitive picrate method to determine total cyanide and acetone cyanohydrin contents of gari from cassava. Food Chem. 113, 1329-1333. (DOI)
- Nhassico, D., Muquingue, H., Cliff, J., Cumbana, A. and Bradbury, J.H. (2008) Rising African cassava production, diseases due to high cyanide intake and control measures. J. Sci. Food Agric. 88, 2043-2049. (DOI)
- Cumbana, A., Mirione, E., Cliff, J. and Bradbury, J.H. (2007) Reduction of cyanide content of cassava flour in Mozambique by the wetting method. Food Chem. 101, 894-897. (DOI)
- Bradbury, J.H. (2006) Simple wetting method to reduce cyanogen content of cassava flour. J Food Comp. Anal. 19, 388-393. (DOI)
- Cardoso, A.P., Mirione, E., Ernesto, M., Massaza, F., Cliff, J., Haque, M. and Bradbury, J.H. (2005) Processing of cassava roots to remove cyanogens. J. Food Comp. Anal. 18, 451-460. (DOI)
- Haque, M., and Bradbury, J.H. (2002). Total cyanide determination of plants and foods using the picrate and acid hydrolysis methods. Food Chem 77, 107-114. (DOI)
- Ernesto, M., Cardoso, A.P., Nicala, D., Mirione, E., Massaza, F., Cliff, J., Haque, M. and Bradbury, J.H. (2002) Persistent konzo and cyanogens toxicity from cassava in northern Mozambique, Acta Tropica 82, 357-362. (DOI)
- Bradbury, M.G., Egan, S.V. and Bradbury, J.H. (1999) Picrate paper kits for determination of total cyanogens in cassava roots and all forms of cyanogens in cassava products. J. Sci. Food Agric. 79, 593-601. (DOI)
- Haque, M.R. and Bradbury, J.H. (1999) Simple method for determination of thiocyanate in urine. Clinical Chemistry 45, 1459-1464. (DOI)
- Egan, S.V., Yeoh, H.H. and Bradbury, J.H. (1998) Simple picrate paper kit for determination of the cyanogenic potential of cassava flour. J. Sci. Food Agric.76, 39-48. (DOI)
- King, N.L.R. and Bradbury, J.H. (1995) Bitterness of cassava: identification of a new apiosyl glycoside and other compounds that affect its bitter taste. J. Sci. Food Agric. 68, 223-230. (DOI)
- Banea, J.P., Bradbury, J.H., Mandombi, C., Nahimana, D., Denton, I.C., Foster, M.P., Kuwa, N. and Tshala Katumbay, D. (2015) Konzo prevention in six villages in the DRC and the dependence of konzo prevalence on cyanide intake and malnutrition. Tox. Reports 2, 609-616. (DOI)
- Banea, J.P., Bradbury, J.H., Nahimana, D., Denton, I.C., Foster, M.P., Mekob, N., Kuwa, N., Bokundabi, G. and Foley, W.J. (2016) Health factors associated with persistent konzo in four villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). African J. Food Sci. 10(1), 1-6. (DOI)
- Haque, M.R. and Bradbury, J.H. (1999) Preparation of linamarase solution from cassava latex for use in the cassava cyanide kit. Food Chem. 67, 305-309. (DOI)
- Haque, M.R. and Bradbury, J.H. (2004) Preparation of linamarin from cassava leaves for use in cassava cyanide kit. Food Chem. 85, 27-29. (DOI)
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