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Tuesday, 10 Jul 2018

A passion for the business side of science has helped John Rivers land his dream job, just weeks after finishing his PhD.

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Katie Purdey and members of the Farquhar research group at ANU.
Wednesday, 04 Jul 2018

Katie Purdy joined the Farquhar group over summer 2017/2018, supervised by Dr Florian Busch.

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Monday, 02 Jul 2018

Unusual portraits of RSB members Marilyn Ball and Jack Egerton were part of an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, entitled 'So Fine: Contemporary women artists make Australian History'. The portraits are part of a group of six sculptures made of bones, skins, furs, fabrics and other natural materials.

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Thursday, 24 May 2018

Professor Rana Munns, an eminent Australian plant scientist who works on increased crop production on dry or saline soils has been awarded the Ralph Slatyer Medal for outstanding biological research for 2018.

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Monday, 21 May 2018

Researchers have a new understanding of the genetic makeup of a fungus that causes the disease Wheat Stripe Rust, one of the most destructive wheat diseases globally costing $1 billion annually.

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Thursday, 26 Apr 2018

Researchers from ANU have developed a seed-collection strategy to help make trees or even food crops more resilient to future climate change.

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12 May 2021 | 12pm

Photosynthetic improvement has become a major focus for researchers seeking to increase yields of crop plants.

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28 Apr 2021 | 12pm

The root system of a plant performs vital functions including resource uptake when nutrient availability in soil is non-homogenous; while also providing a surface for interactions with beneficial microbes.

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31 Mar 2021 | 12pm

Metal homeostasis is essential to normal plant growth and development. The balance is potentially impacted during plant-pathogen interactions as the host and pathogen compete for the same nutrients.

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26 Mar 2021 | 10am

Food production needs to increase significantly and water loss from plants may hold one key, especially relevant in a time of climate change.

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24 Mar 2021 | 9am

Pathogens and pests as diverse as bacteria, oomycetes, fungi, nematodes and aphids are sophisticated manipulators of their hosts.

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19 Feb 2021 | 12pm

C4 photosynthesis, a carbon concentrating mechanism, evolved as an adaptation to improve photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in terrestrial plants under conditions of low CO2, increased temperatures and varying rainfall patterns.

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