News & events

Katie Purdey and members of the Farquhar research group at ANU.

Are measurements of plant gas exchange accurate?

Katie Purdy joined the Farquhar group over summer 2017/2018, supervised by Dr Florian Busch.

RSB Portraits in National Portrait Gallery

Unusual portraits of RSB members Marilyn Ball and Jack Egerton were part of an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, entitled 'So Fine: Contemporary women artists make Australian History'. The portraits are part of a group of six sculptures made of bones, skins, furs, fabrics and other natural materials.

Professor Rana Munns receives 2018 Ralph Slatyer Medal

Professor Rana Munns, an eminent Australian plant scientist who works on increased crop production on dry or saline soils has been awarded the Ralph Slatyer Medal for outstanding biological research for 2018.


PS Seminar Series - Genome-wide reconstruction of a de novo domesticated diverse synthetic Brassica napus population

3.30pm 2 Aug 2024
Brassica napus (AnAnCnCn) is the worldwide important oilseed crop, and also a young allotetraploid species with limited genetic diversity and short history of cultivation.

Updated:  18 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services