RSB HDR Conference
Registration, lunch and afternoon tea, concurrent 8-minute talks running until 17:00.
10:30 - Registration and Welcome Address, Catcheside Court, Level 1, RN Robertson Bldg (46)
11:00 - Session one, Slatyer Seminar Room, Level 2, RN Robertson Bldg (46)
12:00 - Lunch, Catheside Court, Level 1, RN Robertson Bldg (46)
12:40 - 14:40 - Concurrent Sessions, RN Robertson Lecture Theatre, Slatyer Seminar Room
14:40 - 15:15 - Afternoon Tea, Catcheside Court, Level 1, RN Robertson Bldg (46)
15:15 - 17:00 - Concurrent Sessions, RN Robertson Lecture Theatre, Slatyer Seminar Room
17:00 - Happy Hour
Program can be found here
Catcheside Court, Level 1, RN Robertson Bldg (46)
Slatyer Seminar Room, Level 2, RN Robertson Bldg (46)
Robertson Lecture Theatre, Building (46E)