11 Feb 2020
Susanne von Caemmerer is a real STEM Wonder Woman.
11 Feb 2020
Jennie Mallela is a Real Wonder Women in STEM.
31 Jan 2020
Koalas displaced and injured by Australia's bushfire crisis are being cared for and housed temporarily at the Research School of Biology.
15 Jan 2020
Australia’s current bushfire crisis could wipe out some of our rarer insect species, according to a group of experts.
15 Jan 2020
As Australia's weather heats up, it could have serious consequences for some of our country's most iconic animals. The research shows marsupials like...
3 Dec 2019
Research that could transform global rice production by increasing yields from the world’s number one food crop has been boosted by five more years of funding.
26 Nov 2019
Esteemed senior ANU biologist and mentor, Professor Barry Pogson, has been awarded the highest accolade for staff, the 2019 Peter Baume Award.
9 Nov 2019
Some clever detective work by an international team of scientists has uncovered how a deadly fungus - a stem rust called Ug99 - came about through some unusual...
7 Nov 2019
Red deer on a Scottish island are providing scientists with some of the first evidence that wild animals are evolving to give birth earlier in the year as the...
1 Nov 2019
Professor Hiroto Naora established the RSBS Molecular Biology Unit in 1968, which he directed until his official retirement in the mid-1990s. He donated funds...
24 Oct 2019
A first-of-its-kind citizen science project will put amateur butterfly-watchers at the forefront of research and conservation for the insect.
16 Oct 2019
Australian research could help breeders develop more drought-resilient crops that can produce more food and more profit with less water.