Corry Group - Transport proteins and computational biophysics
Corry group's research examines the structure and function of membrane proteins.
Research themes
Our research examines the structure and function of membrane proteins including ion channels, transporters and receptors. We use cutting edge computational methods to understand the mechanisms by which these and other membrane proteins can identify and transport molecules across the cell membrane, how they undergo conformational changes to control this transport, and how they are influenced by the surrounding membrane. In addition we are interested in studying transport in other kinds of pores, be they in proteins, crystaline materials or synthetic membranes. Gaining a fundamental understanding of the operation of biological pores has allowed us to design synthetic porous membranes that can be used for the desalination of sea water or to remove dangerous contaminants from water supplies.
Proteins and macromolecules can be difficult to study due to their size, functioning at the interface of microscopic molecular behaviour and macroscopic mechanical behaviour. To investigate them we use a combination of computational techniques including quantum calculations, atomistic and coarse grained molecular dynamics, and macroscopic modelling. As experts in molecular simulation we apply our skills to help many other groups better understand the structure and function of their proteins of interest. In addition we utilise membrane transport assays and FRET microscopy (Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) to experimentally study the conformational changes of proteins as they function, and design computational codes to better design and interpret FRET experiments.
- Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation for Excellence in Tutoring and Demonstrating, 2024
- Janet Elspeth Crawford Postgraduate Leadership Prize, 2024
- Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, 2024
- Janet Elspeth Crawford Postgraduate Leadership Prize, 2024
- The Hirota Naora Award, 2023
- College of Science Dean's Commendations of Excellence in Education 2022 - Teaching Excellence, 2022
- Replacing Animals in Medical Research Grant, 2021
- Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Education, for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, 2020
- College of Science Professional staff & Excellence in Education award, 2019
- Young Biophysicist Award, 2018
- ARC Future Fellowship, 2013
- Young Tall Poppy Science Award, 2011
- Eureka Prize Finalist, 2011
- Young Scientist of the Year (WA), 2005
- Young Biophysicist Award, 2005