Farquhar Group - Coordination of CO2 fixation and transpiration in plants

Our research includes: photosynthesis and growth with N2 and water use of plants; stomatal physiology; isotopic composition of plants & global change science.


Group research topics include:


Selected publications

  • Genomic regions for canopy temperature and their genetic association with stomatal conductance and grain yield in wheat Rebetzke, Greg J.; Rattey, Allan R.; Farquhar, Graham D.; et al. Functional Plant Biology 40 Issue: 1 Pages: 14-33 Published: 2013
  • A controlled test of the dual-isotope approach for the interpretation of stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratio variation in tree rings Roden, John S.; Farquhar, Graham D. Tree Physiology 32 Issue: 4 Pages: 490-503 Published: APR 2012
  • Sun, Fubao; Roderick, Michael L.; Farquhar, Graham D. Changes in the variability of global land precipitation Geophysical Research Letters 39 Published: OCT 2 2012
  • Roderick, Michael L.; Farquhar, Graham D., GEOENGINEERING Hazy, cool and well fed? Nature Climate Change 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 76-77 Published: FEB 2012
  • Farquhar, Graham D.; Cernusak, Lucas A. Ternary effects on the gas exchange of isotopologues of carbon dioxide Plant Cell and Environment 35 Issue: 7 Pages: 1221-1231 Published: JUL 2012
  • Lim, Wee Ho; Roderick, Michael L.; Hobbins, Michael T.; et al. The aerodynamics of pan evaporation Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152 Pages: 31-43 Published: JAN 15 2012
  • Roderick, Michael L.; Farquhar, Graham D. A simple framework for relating variations in runoff to variations in climatic conditions and catchment properties Water Resources Research 47 Published: JUN 21 2011
  • Roderick, Michael L.; Farquhar, Graham D. A simple framework for relating variations in runoff to variations in climatic conditions and catchment properties Water Resources Research 47 Published: JUN 21 2011
  • Sun, Fubao; Roderick, Michael L.; Lim, Wee Ho; et al.Hydroclimatic projections for the Murray-Darling Basin based on an ensemble derived from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR4 climate models Water Resources Research 47 Published: APR 1 2011
  • Zhou, Youping; Grice, Kliti; Chikaraishi, Yoshito; et al. Temperature effect on leaf water deuterium enrichment and isotopic fractionation during leaf lipid biosynthesis: Results from controlled growth of C-3 and C-4 land plants Phytochemistry 72 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 207-213 Published: FEB 2011.

All publications


The Stable Isotope Laboratory is is run as part of the Farquhar Laboratory, but provides services to ANU and external researchers. The Lab analyses a wide range of light isotope ratios, primarily in organic materials.

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Society relies on mathematical descriptions of climate change, weather forecasting, crop performance, and other processes in which the control of carbon uptake and water loss by plants forms a basic element.


Plant environmental biology and functional ecology





Group Leader

Postdoctoral Fellow

Technical Officer

Technical Assistant

Visiting Fellow

Divisional Visitor

Occupational Trainee


Scientists from ANU and James Cook University have identified an "exquisite" natural mechanism that helps plants limit their water loss with little effect on carbon dioxide intake - an essential process for photosynthesis, plant growth and crop yield.

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In a new paper published in Nature Plants, we report on a natural secret that could ultimately be used to help plants thrive while using less water.

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ANU experts have found a way to precisely measure a crop’s water loss through its skin, not just the pores on their leaves.

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