Australian Mountain Research Facility (AMRF, ARC LIEF project)

The ARMF willsupport research to assess the extent and effects of changing climate, water and fire regimes on ecosystem processes and their feedbacks and provide a structure for integrated research, management and governance of Australia's mountains.

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Australia's iconic high mountains provide critical water supply, clean energy, unique biodiversity, recreation and education opportunities. They face an ecological crisis from climate and land use change. The Australian Mountain Environmental Research Facility is a collaboration across universities and land management agencies that will bring together leading institutions and researchers across 4 jurisdictions to produce world-leading ecosystem, evolutionary and biophysical science to guide adaptive management of High Mountains across Australia. It will support research to assess the extent and effects of changing climate, water and fire regimes on ecosystem processes and their feedbacks and provide a structure for integrated research, management and governance of Australia's mountains.

To learn more about AMRF and the projects and opportunites associated email or  or visit our webpage .


Principal investigator

Adrienne Nicotra

Associate Dean (Research)
College of Science



Support officer