Research stories
Find out more about our staff and their research.
15 Oct 2019
Warmer temperatures linked to climate change are having a big impact on the breeding habits of one of Australia’s most recognisable bird species, according to...
1 Oct 2019
Five years ago, an ANU biologist proved that most female songbirds sing, but it’s a finding that many people are struggling to accept.
19 Sep 2019
Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have shown how Australian wheat crops would cope if a destructive disease that’s yet to hit our shores...
16 Sep 2019
Dr Caitlin Byrt explores strategies for advancing water filtration.
9 Jul 2019
Meet Dr Jennie Mallela, and of course she’s clever enough to have a PhD.
28 May 2019
Dan Noble and his research group explore how early developmental experiences impact physiology and metabolic function, and subsequently life history, using...
23 May 2019
David Duchêne uses phylogenomics to study the diversification of Australian marsupials.
7 Mar 2019
To create a future you can look forward to we need to upgrade our crop plant resources. Upgrading crops to improve productivity and adapt to environmental...
20 Dec 2018
Fairy wrens can learn to recognise the alarm calls of other species.
20 Dec 2018
Seaweed plays an important role in coral reef biodiversity, with an important role in the lifecycle of several fishes.
18 Dec 2018
Fred Chow has dedicated his working life to the study of photosynthesis.