Leeches with Alex Maier

Research stories

Friday, 27 May 2022
  • Research story

The raw material for evolution is much more abundant in wild animals than we previously believed, according to new research.

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Tuesday, 10 May 2022
  • Research story

The biologists and the linguists at ANU might sit on different sides of the campus, but Professor Lindell Bromham from the ANU Research School of Biology says it wasn’t difficult to see the benefits in the two disciplines coming together.

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A person folding clothes
Tuesday, 04 Jan 2022
  • Research story

Have you opened your post-lockdown wardrobe, only to discover some of your beautiful summer clothes have holes in them? You’re probably blaming clothes moths but the real culprits are the larvae (caterpillars).

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Tuesday, 02 Nov 2021
  • Research story

While Angus Rae focuses intently on a captivating microscopic world, he is actually working towards a solution for an environmental catastrophe occurring on a global scale.

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Monday, 13 Sep 2021
  • Research story

Since it’s Bad Bird Season, we ask cuckoo apologist - sorry, cuckoo expert - Professor Naomi Langmore to explain how it could possibly be that the cuckoo doesn’t mean to be mean, when it sure looks like it does.

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Professor Bruno von Schmarotzersindwunderbarhausen - Professor Alexander Maier's alter ego. Image: Sharyn Wragg
Monday, 05 Jul 2021
  • Academic profile

Professor Bruno von Schmarotzersindwunderbarhausen in his idiosyncratic attire is not something you would see during a regular day on campus. He only appears in the same classes taught by Professor Alexander Maier - his alter ego.

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Tuesday, 29 Jun 2021
  • Research story

Australia has the world’s worst track record for wiping out mammals, with 34 species declared extinct since European colonisation. But today, we bring some good news: one rodent species, Gould’s mouse (Pseudomys gouldii), is set to be crossed off Australia’s extinct species list.

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Thursday, 18 Mar 2021
  • Research story

In healthy populations, the song of regent honeyeaters is complex and long. But where the population is very small, the song is sadly diminished.

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Tuesday, 02 Mar 2021
  • Research story

An impressive body of evidence published this week reveals the answer to a mystery that has puzzled plant scientists for more than 30 years: the role of the molecule suberin in the leaves of some of our most productive crops.

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By Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 us, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70489623
Tuesday, 11 Aug 2020
  • Research story

Jeremy Debrulle discusses (Torchin et al. 2003) and the question of what role do parasites actually play in regulating and stabilising populations?

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Toxoplasma gondii
Tuesday, 11 Aug 2020
  • Research story

Studies have shown that some parasites can control their hosts, manipulating their behaviour often to the benefit of the parasites.

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parasite kaledascope
Monday, 10 Aug 2020
  • Research story

Tunan (Nicole) Yu discusses Horwitz and Wilcox (2005) and taking a multi-faceted view towards parasites to manage disease risk.

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Friday, 07 Aug 2020
  • Research story

Parasites have a crucial role in the earth’s ecosystem and are often left out of the climate change conversation. A blog post by Margot Schneider

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Varroa_destructor_on_honeybee_host-public-domain-United States Department of Agriculture
Friday, 07 Aug 2020
  • Research story

Why is the Varroa Mite so virulent considering they are completely reliant on their bee hosts for transport, reproduction and as their sole food source?

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The Red Queen's Race, as depicted by John Tenniel in Chapter Two – The Garden of Live Flowers
Friday, 07 Aug 2020
  • Research story

"How could I have been so naive to think that parasites would not have an intrinsic role to play in every ecosystem considering the fundamentals of evolution?" muses Samantha Shippley in this blog post.

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