Bromham Group - Macroevolution, molecular evolution & Language evolution

We use phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate the characteristics of lineages that influence the pattern and rate of genome evolution.


Tempo and mode of molecular evolution
We use phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate the characteristics of lineages that influence the pattern and rate of genome evolution. This includes life history characteristics (such as body size, generation time, longevity and fecundity), behaviour (such as sociality and mating strategies), ecology (such as climate, distribution and niche) and evolution (such as the rate of diversification).

Tempo and mode of evolution
Why are some lineages more likely to producing descendant lineages than others? What are the drivers of diversification? Do non-random patterns of extinction shape species assemblages? Why do some complex adaptations appear near the tips of a phylogeny, suggesting both frequent gain and frequent loss?


Selected publications

  • Bromham L, Cowman PF, Lanfear R (2013) Parasitic plants have increased rates of molecular evolution across all three genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:126 Doi:12610.1186/1471-2148-13-126)
  • Duchene D, Bromham L (2013)Rates of molecular evolution and diversification in plants: chloroplast substitution rates correlate with species richness in the Proteaceae.  BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:65 DOI:10.1186/1471-2148-13-65
  • Hanna, E. & Cardillo, M. (in press) Clarifying the relationship between torpor and anthropogenic extinction risk in mammals. J. Zool. Lond.
  • Bennett, T.H., Flowers, T.J., Bromham, L. (2013) Repeated evolution of salt-tolerance in grasses. Biol Letts 9, 20130029
  • Bromham, L. & Bennett, T.H. (in press) Salt tolerance evolves more frequently in C4 grass lineages. J. Evol. Biol.
  • Warren, D.L., A.N. Wright, S.N. Seifiert, and H.B. Shaffer. (in press) Incorporating model complexity and spatial sampling bias into ecological niche models of climate change risks faced by California vertebrate species of concern. Diversity and Distributions
  • Moray, C., Lanfear, R. & Bromham, L. (2014) Domestication and the Mitochondrial Genome: Comparing Patterns and Rates of Molecular Evolution in Domesticated Mammals and Birds and Their Wild Relatives. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 161-169
  • Bromham, L., Saslis-Lagoudakis, C.H., Bennett, T.H., Flowers, T.J. (2013) Soil alkalinity and salt tolerance: adapting to multiple stresses. Biol Letts 9(5) 20130642
  • Hanna, E. & Cardillo, M. (2013) Island mammal extinctions are determined by interactive effects of life history, island biogeography and mesopredator suppression. Glob. Ecol. Biogeog.
  • Cardillo, M. & Pratt, R.C. (2013) Evolution of a hotspot genus: geographic variation in speciation and extinction rates in Banksia (Proteaceae). BMC Evol Biol, 13:155
  • Duchene, D., et al. (2013) Phylogenetic evidence for recent diversification of obligate coral-dwelling gobies compared with their host corals (PDF, 326KB). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 69: 123-132
  • Warren, D.L. (2013) "Niche modeling": that unpleasant sensation means it's working. Trends Ecol Evol 28: 193-194
  • Duchene, D. & Bromham, L. (2013) Rates of molecular evolution and diversification in plants: chloroplast substitution rates correlate with species-richness in the Proteaceae. BMC Evol Biol, 13:65
  • Hanna, E. & Cardillo, M. (2013) A comparison of current and reconstructed historic geographic range sizes as predictors of extinction risk in Australian mammals. Biol. Cons, 158:196–204.

All publications


We are focusing on the diverse Australian plant family Proteaceae (which includes such iconic genera as Banksia, Hakea and Grevillea) to explore plant diversification processes generally, and the diversity of Australia's southwest corner in particular.


Evolutionary genetics and genomics, Phylogenetics, population genetics and biodiversity

Student intake

Open for Honours, PhD students




A broad comparative study using analysis of DNA sequence data from a wide range of parasites and their non-parasitic relatives.


Phylogenetics, population genetics and biodiversity, Evolutionary genetics and genomics, Bioinformatics and bio-mathematical modelling

Student intake

Open for Honours, PhD students





Group Leader

Postdoctoral Fellow



A region's climate has a greater impact than landscape on how many languages are spoken there, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows.

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Bringing together researchers from a range of fields can help solve complex problems, but research from ANU has found interdisciplinary research is consistently short changed.

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