Borevitz Group - Plant genomics for climate adaption

We study the genetic basis of Climate Adaptation in foundation plant species, using state of the art Genomic and Phenomic techniques



We study the population genetics process of adaptation in natural plant populations, using state of the art techniques in a handful of model organisms. We ask questions such as, how are populations shaped by their local environment? What traits are under selection? What are the genetic loci underlying these traits? Are alleles at these loci filtered by environmental gradients on the landscape over and above background genomic differentiation? Ultimately alleles at adaptive loci in foundation species may have an extended phenotype and determine ecosystem properties and services?

High throughput genome sequencing allows us to use Genome Wide Association Studies to determine the causative alleles and fine patterns population structure associated with adaptive trait variation. It also allows Landscape Genomic studies to determine the spatial and temporal variation of alleles at adaptive and neutral loci across environmental gradients.

Another critical tool is high resolution phenotyping by insitu imaging. These Phenomic studies are being performed on mapping populations in climate chambers to quantify growth (photosynthesis), development (photomorphogenesis), and reproduction (fitness) in real time throughout the growing season. 

The Borevitz lab studies the genetic basis of adaptation in natural plant populations, spanning model organisms, foundation species and emerging crops. We develop and use Genomic and Phenomic tools for association studies in controlled climate chambers and on the landscape. Population genomics is used to map adaptive alleles and genetic structure. Phenomics is used to capture growth, development, and yield traits throughout the growing season. These studies connect genotype to phenotype and environment with the aim to better manage lands and regenerate life supporting services. Live and work in Canberra!

The Borevitz lab plays a key role in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology (PEB), a cutting edge research centre focused on better understanding the way in which plants interconvert forms of chemical energy in response to environmental change. PEB’s vision is to enhance plant energy efficiency by simultaneously optimising energy capture, conversion and use in changing environments to improve the sustainable productivity of plants.


Selected publications

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The ARMF willsupport research to assess the extent and effects of changing climate, water and fire regimes on ecosystem processes and their feedbacks and provide a structure for integrated research, management and governance of Australia's mountains.


Behavioural, evolutionary and physiological ecology, Evolutionary genetics and genomics, Phylogenetics, population genetics and biodiversity, Plant environmental biology and functional ecology, Plant-microbe interactions

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Master, PhD students




This project would be a part of the larger International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP) project aiming to optimise energy use efficiency in wheat to maximise potential yield.


Plant environmental biology and functional ecology, Plant genetics and gene regulation

Student intake

Open for Bachelor students




This project would be a part of the larger International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP) project aiming to optimise energy use efficiency in wheat to maximise potential yield.


Bioinformatics and bio-mathematical modelling, Evolutionary genetics and genomics, Photosynthesis and plant energy biology, Plant environmental biology and functional ecology, Plant genetics and gene regulation

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Master, PhD students




Our lab is investigating adaptations that confer resilience to drought and aridity in Eucalyptus, with the aim of assisting conservation genetic management and restoration of
Australian forests. In particular, our current project is delving below ground to uncover variation in root growth strategies.


Behavioural, evolutionary and physiological ecology, Bioinformatics and bio-mathematical modelling, Photosynthesis and plant energy biology, Phylogenetics, population genetics and biodiversity, Plant environmental biology and functional ecology, Plant genetics and gene regulation

Student intake

Open for Bachelor students




Climate variability is predicted to increase with climate change and the ability to acclimate to environmental perturbations and extremes has been widely described as having an adaptive benefit resulting in increased fitness.


Photosynthesis and plant energy biology, Plant environmental biology and functional ecology, Plant genetics and gene regulation

Student intake

Open for Honours, Master, PhD students





Making good food choices is necessary both for ourselves and for the planet, says plant scientist Professor Justin Borevitz.

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Learn more about forest ecologist Helen Bothwell.

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Researchers from ANU have developed a seed-collection strategy to help make trees or even food crops more resilient to future climate change.

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