Gavin Huttley
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Professor Gavin Huttley is a group leader in the Research School of Biology at the Australian National University. He obtained a B.Sc (Hons I) from Macquarie University in Sydney, a PhD in Molecular Population Genetics from the University of California, Riverside and undertook postdoctoral research in the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute (USA). He is a recipient of the Howard Florey Young Investigator award. Professor Huttleys research is focussed on genome decryption — identifying regions of the genome which encode functions that influence susceptibility to disease — through analysis of genetic variation.
- Bioinformatic / Computational methods, Principal investigator
- Metagenomics and the analysis of microbial genomes, Principal investigator
- Molecular evolution and Phylogenetics, Principal investigator
- Statistical methods of sequence divergence, Principal investigator
Rm S304, Level 3, RN Robertson Building (46)