The Controlled Environment Facility (CEF) is part of Plant Services, and houses 20 walk in growth rooms as well as 47 free standing growth chambers, two communal laboratories and two autoclaves.
RSB Plant Services consist of the Research and Teaching Greenhouses, the Controlled Environment Facility (CEF), and additional facilities in Linnaeus Building and the back compound of the R.N. Robertson Building.
The Kioloa Coastal Campus, the ANU North Australia Research Unit (NARU), Advanced Imaging Precinct, Joint Mass Spectrometry Facility and the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) are some of the fantastic facilities supporting biological research at ANU.
The Stable Isotope Laboratory is is run as part of the Farquhar Laboratory, but provides services to ANU and external researchers. The Lab analyses a wide range of light isotope ratios, primarily in organic materials.
The R.N. Robertson building was opened in 1972 and refurbished in 2017. It houses offices, seminar rooms, and state-of-the-art laboratories for research groups, administrative and service teams from the Research School of Biology, the Fenner School, and Science Administration.
The Science Teaching Building includes eight teaching wet laboratories for undergraduate and course work students across the Bioscience and Chemistry disciplines, as well 150-seat and 50-seat flexible learning spaces, several outdoor teaching areas and smaller group rooms.