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BSB PhD Exit Seminar: Cellular and molecular characterisation of regeneration in calcareous sponges and corals »
Regeneration is the natural ability to restore or replace damaged or lost body parts following severe injury. Regenerative abilities vary strongly across and within most bilaterian phyla.
E&E PhD Exit Seminar - Spags and snags: the evolution of Australian blindsnakes »
I will tell you about Australia's most diverse snake genus, their relationships with one another, how they got to where they are, and what their morphological and ecological variation can tell us about their evolutionary history and their future.
PS Seminar Series - Biofortified rice and wheat to alleviate global malnutrition »
The development of iron enriched “biofortified” crops is a sustainable way of increasing iron intakes at no additional cost to growers and food manufacturers.
E&E PhD Exit Seminar: Integrating LiDAR and satellite imagery into animal ecology research: Insights from a long-term study of superb fairy-wrens...
A fundamental challenge in animal ecology research lies in the ability to understand the factors that shape the evolution and plasticity of behaviours, life histories, and population dynamics of organisms.
E&E PhD Exit Seminar: Unravelling Genetic Mechanisms of Pesticide Resistance in Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera): A Pan-Genomic Perspective...
The Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, is a globally distributed polyphagous pest with a profound economic and environmental impact.
PS Seminar Series: One, two, three: Portable sample size in biological research »
In this talk, I will provide a unified review of approaches and explain their close interrelationships, emphasizing that all approaches rely on the standard error of the quantity of interest, most often a pairwise difference of two means.
RSB HDR-EMCR Conference »
Registration, lunch and afternoon tea with concurrent 8-minute talks running until 17:00.
Welcome event for RSB Summer Research Scholars »
The RSB SRS program will run for 9 weeks, commencing Monday 20 November 2023 and finishing on Friday 19 January 2024.
BSB Seminar Series: Room temperature DNA storage to enhanced Drug bioavailability: Magic molecules Ionic Liquids in action »
DNA stability is a prerequisite in many of its applications, ranging from DNA-based vaccine, data storage to gene therapy. However, the existing strategies to enhance the DNA stability are ineffective and limited in scope.
E&E Seminar: Causes and Consequences of Hybridization - from behaviour to evolution »
Common wall lizards are one of the most widespread and frequently encountered reptiles in Europe. They span the entire continent from Spain through to Turkey and have even managed to find themselves introduced into areas outside their native range (e.g., the UK).