Peakall Group - Pollination, evolution and conservation

Our research spans reproductive ecology, genetics, phylogeny, biochemistry and chemical ecology.

label Research theme


Research in the Peakall Group is focused on the development and application of DNA based genetic markers for investigating a range of pure and applied questions in evolutionary and conservation biology. The integration of ecological, population genetic and molecular tools allows novel insights that are not possible on their own.

Our study organisms include plants, mammals, birds, insects and fungi. Studies of orchids feature strongly, but by no means exclusively, in greater part because their novel pollination systems are ideal for exploring a range of evolutionary questions. Our research provides exciting opportunities for collaborative multidisciplinary research spanning reproductive ecology, genetics, phylogeny, biochemistry and chemical ecology.


Selected publications


Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Summer scholar, Honours, Master, PhD students





Group Leader

Rod Peakall

Head of Division
Ecology and Evolution

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Officer

Research Assistant

Technical Assistant

PhD Student

Masters Student

Divisional Visitor


Dr Tobias Hayashi studied a delicate little native orchid with a cool and clever adaptation to attract pollinators.

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Spider Orchid

Orchids are valued the world-over for their delicate beauty and fragrance, but for wasps they hold a different kind of appeal: sex appeal.

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Rod Peakall speaks about his research and teaching interests.

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