Cooper Group - Insect physiology, salt and water regulation
Group research topics include insect physiology, salt and water regulation; locust and grapevine scale biology, and environmental physiology.

Group research topics include insect physiology, salt and water regulation. Currently, work concentrates on locust and grapevine scale biology and environmental physiology.
Selected publications
- Cooper, P.D., Schaffer, W.M. and Buchmann, S.L. 1985. Heat budgets and temperature regulation in honey bees foraging in the desert. Journal of Experimental Biology 114, 1-15.
- Cooper, P.D. 1994. Mechanisms of hemolymph acid-base regulation in aquatic insects. Physiological Zoology 67, 29-53.
- Cooper, P.D. and He, P.-H. 1994. Control of foregut contraction in the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus Walker (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 40, 475-481.
- Cooper, P.D. 2001. What physiological processes permit insects to eat Eucalyptus leaves? Australian Journal of Ecology 26, 556-562.
- Woodman, J.D., Paul D. Cooper and Victoria S. Haritos. 2008. Neural regulation of discontinuous gas exchange in Periplaneta americana. Journal of Insect Physiology 54, 472-480.
- Cooper, P.D. & Beckage, N.E. 2010. The effects of parasitism on foregut contraction in the caterpillar of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta L. Journal of Insect Physiology, 56, 1958-1965.
- Powell, K. S., Cooper, P. D., and Forneck, A. (2013). The Biology, Physiology and Host-Plant Interactions of Grape Phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae. In 'Behaviour and Physiology of Root Herbivores. Vol. 45.' pp. 159-218. (Elsevier Academic Press Inc: San Diego.)
- Othman, N. W. and Cooper, P.D. (2014) Feeding and the salivary gland response in free-ranging Gastrimargus musicus, the yellow-winged grasshopper. Australian Journal of Zoology 62, 393-400.
- Simbiken, N., Cooper, P.D. & Powell, K.S. (2015) Development and feeding effect of Frosted scale Parthenolecanium pruinosum Cocquillet. (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on selected Vitis vinifera L varieties. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 21, 451-457.